Suganuma Morito


Suganuma sensei is Dojocho (head of dojo) at Shohei Juku Aikido in Fukuoka Japan. Sent to Fukuoka in 1970 by then Doshu Kisshomaru Ueshiba, Suganuma sensei currently has approximately 4000 students at over 70 dojos and Aikido clubs. One of the last Uchi deshi to Osensei, Suganuma sensei is one of the youngest in a class of shihan know throughout the world.

For more information on Suganuma sensei, please visit the Shohei Juku Aikido webpage at :

At an annual demonstration in Japan

Suganuma sensei

Suganuma Sensei is well know for his calligraphy

A 200 student class in Fukuoka